This tutorial uses the US Stock learning bundle, which provides daily prices for all US stocks for the years 2007-2011.
Create an empty bundle called 'usstock-learn-1d':
from quantrocket.zipline import create_usstock_bundle
create_usstock_bundle("usstock-learn-1d", learn=True)
{'status': 'success', 'msg': 'successfully created usstock-learn-1d bundle'}
Then ingest the data:
from quantrocket.zipline import ingest_bundle
{'status': 'the data will be ingested asynchronously'}
This dataset only takes a second or two to load. Use flightlog to confirm completion:
quantrocket.zipline: INFO [usstock-learn-1d] Completed ingesting daily history for all stocks from 2007-2011
Next Lesson: Why Pipeline?