import pandas as pd
from moonshot import MoonshotML
from moonshot.commission import PerShareCommission
class USStockCommission(PerShareCommission):
class DemoMLStrategy(MoonshotML):
CODE = "demo-ml"
DB = "usstock-free-1d"
DB_FIELDS = ["Open", "Close"]
UNIVERSES = "usstock-free"
LOOKBACK_WINDOWS = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20,30,40,50,60,80,100,125,150,175,200]
TOP_N = 3
def prices_to_features(self, prices):
From a DataFrame of prices, return a tuple of features and targets to be
provided to the machine learning model.
The returned features can be a list or dict of DataFrames, where each
DataFrame is a feature and should have the same shape, with a Date index
and sids as columns.
The returned targets should be a DataFrame with an index
matching the index of the features DataFrames. Targets are
used in training and are ignored for prediction.
closes = prices.loc["Close"]
opens = prices.loc["Open"]
features = {}
for n in self.LOOKBACK_WINDOWS:
features[f'return_{n}'] = closes.pct_change(n)
returns = opens.pct_change(self.FORWARD_RETURNS_WINDOW)
median_returns = returns.median(axis=1)
median_returns = closes.apply(lambda x: median_returns)
outperformers = returns > median_returns
targets = outperformers.shift(-self.FORWARD_RETURNS_WINDOW).fillna(False).astype(int)
if self.model:
self.model.predict = self.model.predict_proba
return features, targets
def predictions_to_signals(self, predictions, prices):
From a DataFrame of predictions produced by a machine learning model,
return a DataFrame of signals. By convention, signals should be
1=long, 0=cash, -1=short.
The index of predictions will match the index of the features
DataFrames returned in prices_to_features.
winner_ranks = predictions.rank(axis=1, ascending=False)
signals = winner_ranks <= self.TOP_N
signals = signals.astype(int)
signals = signals.resample(self.REBALANCE_INTERVAL).last()
signals = signals.reindex(predictions.index, method="ffill")
return signals
def signals_to_target_weights(self, signals: pd.DataFrame, prices: pd.DataFrame):
This method receives a DataFrame of integer signals (-1, 0, 1) and
should return a DataFrame indicating how much capital to allocate to
the signals, expressed as a percentage of the total capital allocated
to the strategy (for example, -0.25, 0, 0.1 to indicate 25% short,
cash, 10% long).
weights = self.allocate_equal_weights(signals)
return weights
def target_weights_to_positions(self, weights: pd.DataFrame, prices: pd.DataFrame):
This method receives a DataFrame of allocations and should return a
DataFrame of positions. This allows for modeling the delay between
when the signal occurs and when the position is entered, and can also
be used to model non-fills.
return weights.shift()
def positions_to_gross_returns(self, positions: pd.DataFrame, prices: pd.DataFrame):
This method receives a DataFrame of positions and a DataFrame of
prices, and should return a DataFrame of percentage returns before
commissions and slippage.
opens = prices.loc["Open"]
gross_returns = opens.pct_change() * positions.shift()
return gross_returns